15 Cat Training Myths Debunked

We all know cats are smart, but did you know that some can actually be trained? And not just tricks like rolling over or sitting up we’re talking about teaching your cat to do things on command. It’s true! 

A cat can learn obedience skills, from coming when called to learning its name and obeying it (among other things). 

Cats are individuals with their own personalities, so there’s no one-size-fits-all training method that works in every case. But there are certain steps you can take toward making sure your feline friend is an obedient creature. 

Here are 15 common myths about cat training—and how we busted them:

Top 10 Most Popular Cat Myths Debunked (By a Vet) – YouTube
1. Cat training is possible with patience and positive reinforcement techniques.
2. Socializing therapy dogs can help them remain calm and confident in different environments.
3. It’s important to avoid common mistakes when training your dog, such as using punishment or being inconsistent.
4. Common cat myths can be debunked with factual information about feline behavior and care.
5. Reading reliable resources and seeking expert advice can help you effectively train and care for your furry companions.

Cats Are Independent

Cats are not independent. They’re just more independent than dogs.

Dogs are highly social animals and love to be around people, whereas cats are more aloof and prefer to do their own thing unless they feel like it. 

This can make training a cat harder because they tend to resist human interaction, but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try! Cats are still trainable if you’re willing to put in some effort–just keep these tips in mind:

Socialization is key to making sure your therapy dog is comfortable in all types of environments. As we explain in our guide on the importance of socialization, gradual exposure to different people, places, and things will help your dog remain calm and confident during therapy work.

You Can’t Train A Cat

The truth is, you can train your cat. Cats can learn to do tricks and perform behaviors that please their owners. They can even be taught to come when called, walk on a leash and use a litter box or scratching post!

However, this doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone–or even most people. It takes time and effort (and maybe some treats) but it’s possible if you’re willing to put in the work.

You can’t train a cat.Cats can be trained to learn basic commands and behaviors using positive reinforcement techniques.
Cats are too stubborn to be trained.Cats respond well to consistent and positive training methods.
Only kittens can be trained.Cats of any age can learn new behaviors and habits through consistent training.
Cats won’t respond to food or treat incentives.Many cats will respond positively to their favorite brand of treats or catnip as a training reward.

Cats Are Solitary Animals

The myth that cats are solitary animals is a favorite among cat haters. In fact, the truth is that cats can be social and even bond with one or two people. 

But they’re not pack animals like dogs–and that’s okay! You don’t need to worry about how your feline will get along with your family’s new puppy when you bring him home from the shelter. Cats have their own unique personalities and skillsets, so it’s best not to force them into situations where they’ll feel uncomfortable or stressed out (like having to share space). 

The key here is finding ways for your kitty friend(s) to express themselves while still feeling safe in their environment: whether it’s getting treats whenever he wants them or going outside whenever she wants fresh air without being followed around by humans too closely behind her tail…

Every dog is unique, and so is their training journey. Our guide on dog training tips offers expert advice and techniques to help make training your furry companion a positive and successful experience.

Cats Don’t Respond To Training

Cats are a lot more responsive to training than people think. They just don’t respond the same way that dogs do, which is why many cat owners assume that their pets can’t be trained.

Cats are not as independent or solitary as we imagine them to be; they actually live in colonies–groups of cats who rely on each other for companionship and protection from predators. 

This means that cats need each other’s company just as much as humans do! This also means that when you train your cat by rewarding him with treats or petting him when he does what you want, it reinforces his feelings of security and safety within the family unit (which is good).

You Must Start Training Early In Life

You don’t have to start training your cat early in life, but it’s best if you do. Cats are not born knowing how to use the litter box; they must be taught as kittens by their mothers or other cats in their colony. The sooner you teach them what is expected of them, the easier it will be for both of you once they’re out on their own and living with humans (or other pets).

However, there’s no reason why adult cats can’t learn new tricks either–they just take longer than young ones would because they’ve had more time to develop habits that don’t need changing! 

Cat training can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. With our guide on the do’s and don’ts of cat training, you can learn how to effectively communicate with your feline friend and set them up for success.

Training Is Cruel To Cats

If you’re a cat owner, or have ever considered getting a cat, then chances are you’ve heard the phrase “train your cat.” 

It’s everywhere–in books and magazines, on blogs and websites. But before you jump in with both feet, it’s important to understand what training really means.

Training is not cruel. In fact, cats are smart animals who quickly learn what their humans want them to do (or not do). They don’t need training because they won’t disobey us out of spite or rebellion like dogs might do; rather they simply respond better when we give them clear instructions about what we expect from them. Cats also learn tricks quickly which makes them fun companions!

Training is cruel to cats.Training can help cats develop positive behaviors and improve their overall well-being.
Cats are too independent to be trained.Cats can be taught to obey commands using positive reinforcement and clicker training methods.
Training involves punishment and negative reinforcement.Effective cat training uses positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior.
Brand preferences should not be changed for training.Training can involve rewarding cats with their preferred brands of treats or toys, which can encourage them to respond positively to training.

You Must Use Negative Reinforcement

There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t use negative reinforcement. For one thing, it’s not necessary. 

You can train your cat using positive reinforcement alone and still get great results. Negative reinforcement is also cruel because it involves scaring or hurting your cat (or making him feel bad) in order to get him to do what you want him to do. 

And finally, there’s no reason why anyone should have to put up with their pet being scared or hurt just so they can learn a few tricks!

So if you’re thinking about trying out this technique for yourself–don’t! You’ll be happier if you stick with positive reinforcement because:

  • It works just as well as any other method;
  • It doesn’t involve anything negative; and
  • Your kitty will love being trained by someone who loves them!

If you’re a dog owner, chances are you’ll encounter other dogs during walks or outings. To ensure your dog behaves appropriately around other pups, check out our guide on how to train your dog to behave around other dogs, which explains effective training techniques for socializing your dog.

It’s Not Worth The Effort

You will get to know your cat better. Cats are mysterious creatures, and there’s no way of knowing what they’re thinking or feeling at any given moment. But when you train them, you’ll start to understand their behavior and what makes them tick.

You’ll have more fun with your cat. Training isn’t just about getting results; it’s also about bonding with your furry friend in new ways! You’ll be able to do fun tricks together–and maybe even play games or go on adventures outside the house (if they’re allowed).

You’ll spend more time together as a family unit: not just because training takes up some of your day; but also because being around each other means spending more quality time together–which is good for both humans and felines alike!

Your Cat Will Never Be Obedient

You may have heard that cats are not naturally obedient, but this is not true. Your cat will never respond to commands like “sit” or “come here,” no matter how many times you try to teach her these things. 

The reality is that cats are not domesticated animals (like dogs), and they do not live in packs like wolves do; therefore, they do not respond well to punishment or rewards as other animals might–even though many people still believe otherwise!

Independent NatureCats are independent creatures and prioritize their personal needs and desires over pleasing their owners.
Lack of CommunicationMisunderstandings between cats and humans can lead to misbehaviors such as scratching furniture or not using the litter box.
Different Training MethodsUnlike dogs, cats don’t respond well to traditional obedience training methods and prefer positive reinforcement techniques.
Brand PreferencesSome cats may not respond well to certain brands of litter, food, or toys, which can affect their behavior and willingness to cooperate.

Consistency Is The Key To Success With Cat Training

The key to success with cat training is consistency. Cats are very smart, and they will learn what you want them to do if you repeat the same actions over and over again. 

The more often you reward your cat for good behavior, the more likely they are to repeat that behavior in the future. The same goes for punishing bad behavior–if you don’t follow through consistently on punishments, your cat won’t know what he did wrong or how he should change his ways next time!

Make Training a Priority: Training sessions should be scheduled as if they were an appointment with yourself (or someone else). If there’s no time scheduled for training sessions, then it’s easy for them not happen at all!

Be Patient: Cats aren’t born knowing how to sit or come when called; these things take time! Don’t expect instant results; instead focus on building up positive associations between certain behaviors and rewards/punishments so that eventually those behaviors become second nature.”

Training a dog takes time, patience, and effort, but can be incredibly rewarding for both you and your furry friend. Before starting, make sure to read our guide on 15 common mistakes to avoid when training your dog to learn what to avoid and ensure you and your dog have the best training experience possible.


As you can see, the truth is that cats are very trainable. You just need to be consistent and patient! The best way to do this is by starting early and continuing with regular training sessions every week or so. 

If you’re having trouble getting started with your own cat, there are plenty of resources online that can help–and remember: no matter what happens during training sessions, keep your cool and stay positive. 

You’ll both have fun in no time!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to help you learn more about cat myths and facts:

15 Common Cat Myths & Facts: This article debunks 15 common cat myths and provides accurate information about feline behavior and care.

13 Myths About Cats Debunked: This article addresses 13 common myths about cats and provides factual information to debunk them.

10 Common Cat Myths Debunked: This article debunks 10 frequently heard myths about cats and explains the truth behind them.


What are some common cat myths?

Some common cat myths include that cats always land on their feet, that they don’t need regular veterinary checkups, and that they are independent and don’t crave attention from their owners.

Do cats always land on their feet?

While cats do have an impressive ability to rotate their bodies mid-air, they don’t always land on their feet. If they fall from too low of a height or are unable to correct their posture in time, they can sustain serious injuries.

Do cats always groom themselves clean?

Cats are known for their grooming habits, but they still need regular baths and grooming sessions to remove dirt, bacteria, and excess hair. Neglecting these hygiene needs can lead to medical problems.

Can cats drink milk?

Contrary to popular belief, cats don’t always benefit from drinking milk. Most cats are lactose intolerant and can experience digestive problems or diarrhea if they consume dairy products.

Do cats need to scratch furniture?

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats and helps them keep their claws healthy and sharp. Providing a scratching post or designated scratching surface can help prevent damage to furniture and other household items.