15 Surprising Benefits Of Service Dog Training For Both You And Your Dog

You may be surprised to learn that there are many benefits to training a service dog. Not only can it give you the confidence, peace of mind and companionship you need, but it also has long-term physical effects on your body that are very beneficial for your health.

Amazing Benefits of Service Dogs | The Benefits Of – YouTube
Service dog training can provide numerous benefits for both the dog and their handler.
Training your dog as a therapy animal can offer comfort to those in need and improve your own mental health.
It is possible to train your own service dog, but the process can be lengthy and complex.
Service dogs can be trained to perform specific tasks to assist their handlers with daily living.
The benefits of having a service dog include physical support, mobility aid, and improved mental health and overall quality of life.

Service Dogs Help You Feel More Confident

You might be surprised to learn that the confidence level of both you and your dog has a direct correlation to how well they perform in public, at home and even on the job. 

In fact, service dogs are often trained to work with people who suffer from anxiety or depression because these conditions can make it difficult for them to feel comfortable in any situation. 

With proper training and support from their human partner (you), service dogs become effective tools against those feelings of insecurity by providing unconditional love and companionship–but also by acting as an extension of themselves through tasks like guiding through crowds or opening doors when necessary. 

The more comfortable the handler feels around others while using their service dog means they’ll be able to enjoy all kinds experiences without worrying about how others may perceive them; this ultimately benefits everyone involved!

Service dog training is a complex process, but with the right tools, you can successfully train your pup to be a loyal and capable companion. Check out our comprehensive guide on training your service dog for expert insights on everything you need to know.

Service Dogs Can Improve Your Physical Health

  • Getting out of bed
  • Dressing yourself
  • Taking a shower and bathing yourself

Eating food on your own, including cutting it up into pieces if necessary. This can be very helpful if you have limited mobility or dexterity in your hands due to an injury.

Moving around, especially when getting up from sitting down (like at the dinner table). If your dog is trained as a mobility aid service dog, he/she will stand beside you when it’s time for him/her to help lift you up by placing his/her front paws on either side of yours and gently pulling upward until they are both standing upright again. 

Then once they’re standing upright together with both feet firmly planted on solid ground again after having been assisted by their partner during this process which takes place over several seconds depending on how heavy each person weighs individually then next thing happens.

Ways Service Dogs HelpExamples
Provide mobility assistanceBy helping the handler with standing, sitting, and walking, including navigating stairs and uneven terrain.
Alert for medical emergenciesBy identifying and alerting the handler to health crises such as seizures, low blood sugar, or migraines.
Enhance motor skillsBy providing regular exercise and encouraging movement, which can help improve physical strength and coordination.
Lower blood pressureBy providing constant companionship and reducing stress levels, which can help lower blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Service Dogs Can Help You Relieve Stress

A service dog can be trained to help you relieve stress and anxiety. Imagine having someone at your side that will always be there for you, no matter what. That’s what a service dog is like!

Service dogs are trained to assist those with PTSD or depression by providing comfort when needed, as well as redirecting the focus of their owner if they notice signs of distress. 

They also provide physical support during flashbacks or panic attacks by nudging them gently until the person calms down enough for them to take over again.

Training your dog as a therapy animal has many benefits, from providing comfort to those who need it to improving your own mental health. Learn more about the advantages of training your dog as a therapy animal in our guide.

Service Dogs Protect You From Depression

Service dogs can help with depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health issues.

Studies have shown that service dogs can be an effective treatment for people suffering from depression. 

The benefits of this are two-fold: not only does it give you companionship during the day when you might otherwise feel lonely or isolated; it also reduces your stress levels by giving you something else to focus on besides your problems.

The same goes for anxiety disorders–many people find that having their dog around them all day helps them cope with their symptoms better than anti-anxiety medications do (which can sometimes lead to addiction). 

And if someone has PTSD as well? According to one study conducted at the University Of California San Francisco Medical Center, there were fewer instances of panic attacks among veterans with PTSD who had been paired up with a trained service animal than among those who hadn’t had access yet!

Ways Service Dogs HelpExamples
Encourage physical activityBy providing motivation to get outside and exercise through activities like walking or playing.
Offer companionshipBy providing a constant companion to talk to and interact with, which can help mitigate feelings of loneliness or isolation.
Reduce stressBy providing emotional support and stress relief through tasks such as deep pressure therapy or distraction techniques.
Act as a source of positivityBy offering unconditional love and support, and helping to boost mood and promote feelings of happiness.

Note: The examples listed are based on data from various organizations, including Canine Companions and Service Dog Certifications.

Service Dogs Help Identify Potential Medical Issues

A service dog can help identify potential medical issues in their owner. For example, a diabetic alert dog will be trained to recognize the smell of ketones (the chemical byproducts of diabetes) and alert their owner before they become dangerous.

Service dogs are trained to perform a variety of tasks related to their owner’s disability and needs. These include:

  • Opening doors and drawers
  • Picking up items that have fallen on the floor or ground

If you’re considering service dog training, you might have questions about the process and what to expect. Check out our guide to the most common questions about service dog training for expert advice.

A Service Dog Can Help You Avoid Accidents

Service dogs are trained to help their handlers avoid dangerous situations, but they’ll also help you avoid accidents in your daily life. 

For example, if there’s an open manhole cover on the sidewalk in front of you, your dog may alert their handler about it so that he or she can move out of the way before stepping into it. 

Likewise, if someone is walking quickly through a crowd and accidentally bumps into someone else–or even worse, knocks them down–the handler should be able to call out “excuse me” and make sure no one gets hurt by apologizing immediately after being bumped into (or before).

Service dogs can be trained to perform specific tasks to assist their handlers, from opening and closing doors to detecting allergens. Explore our guide on training your service dog to perform specific tasks for expert tips and tricks on the process.

A Service Dog Encourages Exercise

A Service Dog can encourage you to get out and exercise. They can be trained to help with physical therapy, mobility issues, and other health conditions that may make it difficult for you to exercise on your own.

If you have a disability or illness that makes it hard for you to exercise, then having a Service Dog is an excellent way of getting some much-needed daily activity in your life.

A Service Dog Improves Your Communication Skills

You will learn how to communicate effectively with your dog and others.

You’ll also learn how to read your dog’s body language, which is critical for understanding what they are trying to tell you. 

As a result, both of you will be able to communicate more effectively with each other and respond appropriately when needed. 

In addition, this skill set can help improve the way that people communicate with each other by improving their listening skills and being able to identify when someone else needs help or direction in a particular situation (i.e., if someone were having difficulty understanding what their service animal was trying to tell them).

Service dogs must be able to respond to commands in any situation, from providing support to individuals with disabilities to keeping their handlers safe. Learn how to train your service dog to respond in any scenario with our helpful guide on responding to commands in any situation.

A Service Dog Helps Others With Their Anxiety About Disabilities And Fear Of Dogs

Service dogs are trained to be calm, gentle and patient. They’re also trained to ignore distractions, like other people or dogs passing by on the street; they won’t bark or whine when they are uncomfortable; they won’t jump on people or beg for food; they won’t lick hands (which could spread germs); and they will always stay right by their partner’s side–even if someone tries to lure them away.

Ways Service Dogs HelpExamples
Provide physical comfortBy sitting with their handler or offering a calming touch.
Offer emotional supportBy recognizing stress and anxiety, and providing cues to help the handler relax.
Create a sense of safetyBy alerting the handler to potential hazards and offering protection.
Engage in calming actionsBy performing specific tasks such as deep pressure therapy or distraction techniques.

Note: The examples listed are based on data from various organizations, including American Kennel Club and Emotional Support Animal Co.


We hope that this article has helped you better understand the benefits of service dog training for both you and your dog. If you want to learn more about how we can help, contact us today!

Further reading:

For more information on service dog training and its benefits, check out the following resources:

K94Life: Benefits of Service Dogs: Learn about the many benefits that service dogs can provide, from physical support to emotional comfort.

Purdue University: Service Dogs Benefit the Well-Being of Their Handlers: Read about the research that shows how service dogs improve the quality of life for their handlers.

American Kennel Club: Service Dog Training 101: Get started on the basics of service dog training with this comprehensive guide.


What is a service dog?

A service dog is a specially trained dog that assists individuals with disabilities by performing specific tasks to aid their handler’s daily life.

What breeds make good service dogs?

Any breed of dog can be trained as a service dog, but most service dogs are chosen for their intelligence, temperament, and ability to perform tasks.

Can I train my own service dog?

Yes, it is possible to train your own service dog, but it is a lengthy and complex process that requires a lot of time, patience, and resources.

What tasks can a service dog perform?

Service dogs can be trained to perform a wide range of tasks, such as opening doors, providing balance support, and alerting their handlers to potential health hazards.

What are the benefits of having a service dog?

Service dogs can provide physical support, aid with mobility, and improve the mental health and overall quality of life for their handlers.