How To Train Your Dog To Be The Perfect Family Pet

Training your dog is easy! The key is to be consistent and patient, which will help you build a strong relationship with your pet. 

The more time you spend with him throughout his life, the better that bond will be. In this article we’ll cover all the essentials of training your dog and show you how easy it can be!

Everything You NEED To KNOW To TRAIN Your DOG!
Key Takeaways
– Proper dog training is essential for ensuring a happy and well-behaved pet.
– Avoid common dog training mistakes, such as being inconsistent or using punishment instead of positive reinforcement.
– Establish a strong bond with your pet through regular play, exercise, and positive reinforcement.
– Research training methods and techniques to determine what will work best for your dog’s breed, personality, and behavior.
– Consider consulting with a professional trainer when necessary, especially for more complex or challenging behavior issues.

Establish Yourself As The Alpha

The most important thing you can do is establish yourself as the alpha of the pack. This means being confident, assertive and consistent. 

You need to show your dog that he has a clear hierarchy to follow, and teach him what is expected of him through positive reinforcement. 

Your dog will look up to you for guidance and leadership, so it’s your job to give him a sense of security by setting boundaries and rules for behavior.

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks for dog training, look no further than our Ultimate Guide to Dog Training. With advice from 13 experts, this guide provides a comprehensive resource for pet owners looking to improve their training skills.

Take Him Out Often

You’ll want to take your dog out often. A good rule of thumb is that he should get at least 20 minutes of exercise per day, but you may want to go for longer walks depending on how active he is and whether or not you live in a neighborhood with lots of parks, beaches and forests.

If you can’t get him as much exercise as he needs, then it’s best to let him run around on his own for part of the day so he doesn’t become bored but only if there aren’t any major hazards present in your home that could injure him.

When taking your pet out with you, choose a safe place where there are no cars or other animals and bring along some treats so he knows it’s time to go! 

You should also make sure he knows what “come” means (this will come in handy when something interesting happens outside)

Helps prevent accidents and promote good hygieneTake your dog outside immediately after eating, drinking, playing, or napping
Enables your dog to satisfy physiological needs and maintain regularityTake your dog out every 2-4 hours for bathroom breaks, using a pet door, or enlist a professional dog walker
Promotes exercise and mental stimulation for your dogTake your dog on regular walks, hikes, or to dog parks to help break up long periods of time indoors
Reduces stress and anxiety for your dogConsider using products such as Anxiety Wrap or pheromone sprays to ease anxiety on walks or when travelling with your pet
Encourages bonding time between you and your dogUse outdoor activities as opportunities for training, play, and quality time together

Use a Crate, but Train Him to Love It

It’s important to note that a crate is not an end in and of itself. It’s a tool that can help you train your dog to be the perfect family pet.

If you’re new to crate training, it can seem like a strange concept at first: why would I want my dog locked up? But dogs are den animals and they need their own space just like we do! 

If you provide them with their own safety zone, it will give them a safe place where they can get away from things they don’t like or aren’t comfortable with yet (like being around other people).

The good news is that there are plenty of positive reinforcement techniques that can help make this process easier for both of you. 

For example, if your puppy whines or cries when he has been left alone in his crate for too long, try giving him something else instead: food! This way he’ll associate leaving his kennel negatively with getting something yummy instead.

Dog training can be challenging for pet owners, but avoiding common mistakes can make the process easier. Check out our helpful guide on 15 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Training Your Dog to learn about the most frequent errors and how to avoid them.

Keep a Close Eye On Him

You’ve decided it’s time to get a dog, and you’ve even picked out the perfect breed. Now it’s time to train him! Your new furry friend will need regular training sessions, so you’ll have to make sure that he learns all the important things like how to sit, stay and come when called. 

But there are some other things you may not have thought about that are also important for training your new pet. One of these is keeping an eye on him at all times when he’s outside in the yard or roaming around your home.

Keep A Close Eye On Him

Your dog should never be left loose in your house or yard without someone watching over him at all times until he has learned his commands perfectly (and even then he should still always be watched). 

This is because dogs are curious animals by nature and can get into trouble if they aren’t being watched carefully by their owners–especially when they’re puppies! When left alone they may chew on electrical cords or eat food off counters/tables which could result in electrocution or poisoning respectively. 

Even adult dogs can get into trouble if left unsupervised: many injuries happen because owners aren’t watching what their pets are doing closely enough during playtime together–which is why we recommend keeping an eye on every single activity that occurs between human family members as well as between domestic companionship animals such as dogs versus cats (or other types

Aggressive behavior is a common issue among dogs, but proper training can help alleviate the problem. Our guide on How to Train Your Dog to Behave Around Other Dogs offers tips and techniques for pet owners looking to socialize their furry friends.

Play Games With Him

Play games with him. Games are a great way to keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated, but it’s important that you play fair. You’ll want to make sure he’s getting enough of a challenge and not too much or too little of it.

The best games are ones that combine physical activity with mental stimulation. A good example would be fetch: your dog runs around after something in an effort to catch it and bring it back—all while exercising his muscles and using his brain!

If your dog is having trouble learning how to fetch after several tries, try using treats as bribes or as rewards for performing well during the game.

Use Positive Reinforcement Techniques

  • Use positive reinforcement techniques to train your dog.
  • Reinforcement is the reward for good behavior.

Positive reinforcement is a reward that the dog will want to work for, thus reinforcing their behavior and making them more likely to repeat it. 

This can be food, treats, toys, games or anything else that the dog likes. With positive reinforcement you are telling your pet “good job” by giving them something they like or by saying something as simple as “yes”.

Communication is key when it comes to dog training, and mastering the top commands is essential for pet owners. Our guide on The Top 10 Dog Training Commands Every Owner Should Know offers simple and effective commands that can make a big difference in your pet’s behavior.

Be Consistent in Your Training

Consistency is key to training your dog. Don’t let him get away with anything, and you will see that he learns more quickly.

Make sure you know what you want from him, and don’t be afraid to discipline him if he needs it (and make sure he understands why).

Be patient and calm when teaching new things—you can’t expect a puppy to understand everything right away.

Helps establish clear communication and understanding between you and your dogUse identical cues and language across all training sessions, and stick to a regular training schedule
Promotes long-term retention of learned behaviors and commandsUse consistent rewards and reinforcement, and avoid introducing new levels of difficulty until previous skills are mastered
Builds trust and enhances bonding with your dogBe patient and avoid changing your dog’s training environment or trainer frequently
Helps reduce confusion and encourages positive behaviorsUse consistent training methods and commands, and avoid sending mixed signals through inconsistent discipline
Increases confidence and decreases anxiety in your dogUse calming aids such as Thundershirt or pheromone sprays, and provide a consistent environment with regular exercise and routine activities

Set Boundaries and Stick To Them

When you’re in charge of an animal, it’s important that you set clear boundaries for yourself and your pet.

For example: “I will not allow my dog on the couch when I’m trying to watch TV.” This helps both of you navigate the new dynamic of living together and teaches your pup that not everything is up for discussion. 

It also protects yourself from having your furniture chewed or stained by your new four-legged friend! Remember: a happy dog means a happy home life for everyone involved!

Praise the Good and Ignore the Bad

The most important aspect of training your dog is to properly reward and praise it. When you see good behavior, give your dog an enthusiastic “good boy” or “good girl” along with a treat. 

This will teach the dog that good deeds are well-received and encourage it to continue exhibiting those same behaviors in the future.

On the other hand, you should ignore bad behavior—don’t give any kind of attention whatsoever when a dog misbehaves. 

This means that even if your pup has just put its foot on your leg instead of sitting down as it was told, don’t say anything about it at all! Your silence will communicate to the dog that this behavior was not what you wanted, and thus should be avoided in the future

Early training is crucial for puppies, but deciding when to start can be a challenge. Our guide on When to Start Training Your Puppy: Tips and Tricks offers expert advice on the best time to begin training and helpful techniques for new pet owners.

Give Your Dog His Own Space

Give your dog his own space. Dogs need their own space to do their business, sleep and eat. If you have a puppy, it’s important for him to have his own bed, toys and food bowl. 

t’s also important for you to give him some time alone in his room or crate when you’re not home so he can rest undisturbed after a long day of playing with the kids or running around at the park.

Don’t force your dog into situations that make him uncomfortable—like riding in a car seatbelt harness if he doesn’t like it (and most don’t). You should also avoid forcing dogs on walks when they’re unwilling participants: They may not want another walk if they’re exhausted from chasing squirrels all afternoon!

Exercise Your Dog Regularly

It’s important that your dog gets exercise on a regular basis. Not only is it good for their physical and mental health, but it can also help with their behavior and training.

Exercise helps keep your dog healthy and happy, which in turn makes them more well-behaved. 

Exercise is not only beneficial during the day: some people find that an exhausted dog will sleep better at night, making it easier to get a full eight hours of sleep as well! In addition to walks around the block or playing fetch at home. 

There are other ways to tire out your pup: try running him on an agility course or taking him for a swim in the pool. Just be sure he doesn’t overdo it—if his breathing becomes labored or he starts panting heavily (which means he’s too hot), stop immediately so that he does not become overheated or dehydrated.

Promotes physical fitness and overall healthTake brisk walks or hikes, play fetch, or use a Chuckit! to lengthen throws and increase activity levels
Helps prevent destructive behaviorProvide regular exercise to help alleviate boredom and reduce stress, or use interactive toys such as Benebone chew toys
Aids in weight managementUse a digital pet scale and consult with a veterinarian on exercise needs for your dog’s breed and size
Encourages positive behaviors and obedienceUse exercise as positive reinforcement and incorporate training commands like “sit” or “down” during walks
Enhances mental stimulation and reduces anxietyUse puzzle toys such as Nina Ottosson games or scatter treats around obstacles for your dog to find

Give Him Treats For Being Good, But Don’t Overdo It!

There are a few rules to remember when giving treats to your dog:

  • Give them sparingly! If you give them too much, they’ll be less likely to respond when they’re hungry.

Use that clicker as an incentive instead of a bribe. Clicking is a positive sound that indicates good behavior, and it can help your pup understand what he should do next time he sees something similar. 

For example, if you’re teaching him how to sit on command, click whenever he sits down and then give him a treat after the fact (or another command). 

The next time he sees something similar like a mat or chair leg, reward him with another treat for sitting down there instead. 

Clicking helps your pup learn what’s expected of him so that his behavior becomes second nature over time and even more importantly: no bribes!

Give Him Plenty Of Love and Attention!

Being a dog owner is a lot of work, but there’s no better feeling than knowing your pet is happy and safe. 

Dogs need love and attention just as much as they need food and water. A dog who feels neglected will become destructive or even depressed, so it’s important to spend time with him every day.

Your dog should be part of the family. That means he needs to spend time with you—and he’ll get plenty of that if you train him right!

Promotes bonding and trust with your dogSnuggle with your dog, cuddle on the couch, and make time for daily play
Reduces anxiety and stress in your dogUse pheromone-infused products like Adaptil diffusers or sprays
Helps prevent destructive behaviorEngage in interactive games and provide plenty of toys, or use treat-dispensing toys like KONG
Encourages positive behaviors and obedienceUse positive reinforcement like petting, treats, and verbal praise
Improves your own mental health and well-beingSpend time with your dog outdoors or try relaxing activities like meditation or yoga with your pet


The most important thing is to be consistent in your training. Keep the rules clear and consistent, and don’t let your dog get away with bad behavior. 

If he starts to misbehave, discipline him immediately so that he learns what behavior is acceptable in your family.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about dog training, check out these helpful resources:

10 Easy Tips to Train Your Dog to Safely Play With Kids: This article provides tips for pet owners who want to ensure their furry friends can interact safely with children.

Five Tips for Dog Training as a Family: If you’re looking for ways to get the whole family involved in dog training, this resource offers helpful tips for training as a team.

Steps to Train Your Dog: This comprehensive guide outlines the key steps pet owners should follow to train their dogs effectively.


What is dog training?

Dog training involves teaching dogs to perform specific behaviors in response to certain stimuli. This can involve basic obedience training, specialized tasks such as agility training, or addressing specific behavior issues.

How can I start training my dog?

Before beginning training, it’s important to research training methods and techniques to determine what will work best for your dog’s breed, personality, and behavior. It’s also important to establish a strong bond with your dog through regular play, exercise, and positive reinforcement.

What are some common dog training mistakes to avoid?

Common dog training mistakes include inconsistent training, using punishment and force instead of positive reinforcement, and neglecting to socialize your dog properly. To avoid these mistakes, it’s important to research and follow recommended training techniques and seek guidance from a professional trainer when necessary.

How long does dog training take?

The duration of dog training depends on several factors, including the dog’s age, breed, and behavior issues. Basic obedience training can take several weeks to several months, while specialized training and behavior modification can require longer periods of time.

Can I train my dog myself, or do I need a professional trainer?

While many pet owners are able to train their dogs effectively on their own, consulting with a professional trainer can be helpful for more complex or challenging behavior issues. A trainer can offer expert advice, personalized training plans, and additional resources to support your training efforts.