The Ultimate Guide To Training Your Furry Friend

Training a dog can be fun and rewarding. You’ll see your dog become more obedient, bond with you more strongly, and learn new skills in the process. 

It’s a win-win situation for everyone! In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about training your furry friend: how to get started with basic commands like “sit” and “stay,” how long training sessions should last each day, what kind of treats work best as rewards during training sessions, why positive reinforcement works better than negative punishment all that good stuff. 

By the time this post is done, you’ll be ready to start working with your pooch!

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Your Furry Friend
Key Takeaways
1. Starting puppy training early is important to establish good habits.
2. Basic commands can make a huge difference in obedience and behavior.
3. Proper socialization training helps dogs behave around other dogs.
4. Consistency is key when training your dog to walk on a leash.
5. Effective house training requires persistence and patience.
6. Additional resources, such as e-books and online courses, can provide more comprehensive training information.
7. Common mistakes to avoid include physical punishment and inconsistent training.
8. Training should be frequent but in brief sessions.
9. Older dogs can still be trained through patience and tailored techniques.
10. Seek professional guidance if training methods are not working effectively.

Don’t Press the Issue

When training your dog, it’s important to remember not to press the issue. It can be tempting to try and coerce your dog into doing something they don’t want to do; however, this can be counterproductive in the long run. 

If you’re constantly pushing your dog with negative reinforcement and fear-based training methods, they’ll eventually stop listening altogether or become afraid of you and no one wants that! Instead, reward good behavior with treats or praise and reprimand bad behavior (i.e., barking or jumping on people). Remember: patience is key.

Starting your puppy’s training at the right time can make a big difference in their behavior. Learn more about the best practices for training your puppy with our tips and tricks guide.

Keep the Treats Coming

Treats are the best way to reward your dog for good behavior. Treats should always be given immediately after a desired behavior, so that the dog associates the treat with the action. 

A dog will learn quickly if you give him a treat every time he does what you want him to do. However, treating your pup should not be used as bribery; instead, treats should be used as positive reinforcement for good behavior.

If your pup is struggling with a certain skill or command, try breaking down into smaller steps until they start understanding better and are able to complete them on their own

Training Should Be Fun

When training your dog, it’s important to remember that the goal of training is not to punish your pet, but rather to teach them how they should act. 

If you are trying to train a dog who is afraid of loud noises or other dogs, then it might make sense to go somewhere without much outside noise or any other people around.

If you want your dog to stop pulling on their leash during walks or if you want them not to jump on visitors when they visit the house, then start off by rewarding them for good behavior with treats and praise instead of punishing them when they do something wrong (like pulling on their leash).

You could also try giving your dog a toy or game that they like while walking so that he/she will focus more on the toy than trying get away from you!

Teaching your dog basic commands can make a huge difference in their obedience and behavior. Check out our guide on the top 10 dog training commands every owner should know to start training your pup.

Don’t Use a Choke Collar

Choke collars are not effective. They may seem like a good idea, but they can actually cause more harm than good. 

The problem with choke collars is that they are indiscriminate and painful, so they tend to make dogs afraid of their owners. A dog who is afraid of his or her owner will be less likely to listen to commands and more likely to take off running when the doorbell rings or another person walks by outside.

Choke collars can also cause neck injuries in dogs, which can lead to behavioral issues down the road if left untreated (read: expensive vet bills). 

If you’re worried about your pup getting loose while on a walk or in the park, there are plenty of other options out there besides choke collars check out our leash guide for some ideas!

Key PointDescription
Avoid Choke CollarsChoke collars can harm your dog and are considered inhumane by many trainers. Consider using a more humane alternative like the Sporn Non-Pull Mesh Harness or the PetSafe EasySport Dog Harness.
Use Positive ReinforcementReward good behavior with treats like the Wellness Soft Puppy Bites or Blue Buffalo Dental Bones, and avoid physical punishment.
Keep Sessions ShortKeep training sessions short (10-15 minutes) to prevent exhaustion and boredom.
Take BreaksAllow for breaks and playtime between sessions to prevent mental fatigue.
Start SmallBegin with basic commands and work up to more advanced behaviors to ensure your dog’s comfort and understanding.

No One’s Perfect

We all want to be perfect. We want our dogs to be perfect too, but they aren’t. Dogs are a lot like people in that they don’t always get it right the first time. They need to be taught and trained, just like we do!

No matter how many times you tell your dog not to jump on people, he continues to do it because he isn’t getting the message (yet). 

You may think your dog is purposefully trying to annoy you by eating everything off of your plate when you tell him not too but really it’s because he doesn’t know any better yet!

The bottom line here is simple: no one is perfect; we all make mistakes; everyone needs training; and everyone deserves rewards when they do something right.

It’s important to ensure that your pup is well-trained when interacting with other dogs. Discover our expert tips on how to train your dog to behave around other dogs so that every pup can have safe and fun social interactions.

Make Your Dog Comfortable

When training your dog, it is important to make sure he or she is comfortable. You want the experience to be positive for them, so don’t force your pup into a position or situation that makes him or her feel weird. 

If you’re trying to get them to sit and they don’t want to do so, don’t yell at them or get frustrated just give him some time before trying again later on.

Likewise, if your dog does something wrong and/or refuses to follow along with what you’re asking him/her because they’re not feeling great about it in the moment (either mentally or physically), don’t punish them for the mistake. 

Instead of getting mad when they disobey orders during training sessions, wait until both parties are calm before trying again later on down the road when everyone’s more relaxed and ready

Key PointDescription
Create a Comfortable EnvironmentTrain your dog in a quiet area free from distractions using tools like the PetSafe Boundary Dome or the Carlson Adjustable Pet Gate.
Use Positive ReinforcementReward your pup with treats such as Merrick Power Bites or Zuke’s Mini Naturals to encourage good behavior and create a positive association with training.
Avoid Physical PunishmentPhysical punishment can be counterproductive and damage your bond with your dog. Try positive reinforcement techniques instead, like clicker training.
Take BreaksAllow for breaks to prevent mental fatigue and make training less stressful for your dog.
Be PatientGive your pup time and consistency to learn and adjust, and avoid getting frustrated or giving up too quickly.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Keeping training sessions short and sweet is the best way to keep your dog interested and engaged. Dogs are quick learners, but they can become bored quickly if they don’t find the activity rewarding enough to want to participate in it. 

If you want your dog to be enthusiastic about learning new things, keep each session short and interesting by keeping his attention focused on you and what you’re doing at all times.

Walking your dog is an essential part of their daily routine, but it can be frustrating when they pull on the leash. Learn how to train your furry friend to walk on a leash without pulling with our step-by-step guide and tips from the experts.

Be Consistent

Being consistent when training your furry friend is the most important part of any training program. Dogs are animals that need routine and structure, so if you want them to behave well and listen, you need to create a schedule that works for both of you.

In order to make sure your dog gets consistent in their behavior, start by setting up a daily schedule where they know what’s expected of them each day. 

For example, if they’re allowed in the house at certain times only or have some specific toys they can play with but not others, set aside those items around that time every day so they understand what’s expected of them.

Be consistent in rewarding good behavior as well! You don’t want them getting confused about what will get them attention from their owner or attention from other people too often—it’ll just confuse them more than anything else does!

Start Small and Simple

The first step to training your dog is to start small and simple. It’s important not to overwhelm your dog with too many new commands at once, as this can cause confusion or stress. When you are first starting out, try using a command that they already know, such as “sit” or “stay”. 

Once they understand these basic commands, you can begin adding more complicated ones like “shake hands” or “lie down”. 

Keeping it simple will help both you and your pet stay focused on the task at hand—instead of having them lose interest because there are too many distractions around them (like toys).

When choosing which command(s) would be best for your furry friend remember:

it needs to be easy for YOU! Pick something easy for YOU! And when I say that I mean not only do YOU need a short phrase but also one that is easy for YOUR DOG as well! So make sure it makes sense in their world too so they can easily understand what exactly needs done before anything else happens next time they come home from work at night after dinner together 🙂 

Make sure all words within sentence structure makes sense together logically speaking when combined together–this helps keep things organized throughout session time frames without any problems occurring later on down road either due course corrections needed over time so don’t forget about this part!

Make sure word order does not get confused between two different sentences since incorrect usage could mean disaster later down road (or maybe even today sometime soon if lucky enough), so make sure everything sounds okay before continuing forward into another one which leads us directly into our next point below :).

Key PointDescription
Start SmallBegin with basic commands such as “sit” or “stay” and gradually work up to more advanced behaviors.
Keep It SimpleUse easy-to-follow instructions and simple hand signals, such as those offered in the Gentle Leader headcollar or the P.L.A.Y. Wobble Ball.
Positive ReinforcementReward good behavior with treats like Blue Buffalo Bits or with verbal praise, and avoid physical punishment.
Develop a RoutineTrain your dog on a consistent schedule to establish good habits, using a timer or watch like the Timex Ironman or Apple Watch to keep track of time.
Be PatientAllow time for your dog to learn and adjust, and avoid getting frustrated or giving up too quickly.

You Should Train, Too!

You should also consider training yourself. In addition to being the primary teacher, you will be responsible for enforcing the rules and boundaries that your dog learns. 

Your dog will look to you for cues on what is expected of them, so it’s important that you remain consistent with your actions and words at all times. 

This means not yelling at them when they do something wrong, but also not giving in when they whine or bark incessantly for attention.

You’ve got this!

House training your furry friend can be a daunting task, but with the right techniques and consistent effort, it can be an effective process. Discover our ultimate guide on house training your dog to make the process smoother and easier for both you and your pup.

Be Positive and Patient

You’ll need to hang in there and be patient. Don’t expect your dog to be able to perform a new trick or command right away, or on the first day you start training. 

Remember that this is all about positive reinforcement, so it’s important that you don’t get angry or frustrated if your pet doesn’t do what he’s supposed to do. 

You may have seen those videos on YouTube where someone trains their dog to jump through hoops and balance on balls, but those dogs have probably been working with their owner for months or even years before they’ve mastered these impressive acts!

Dogs Are Not People or Babies!

Dogs are not people, and they aren’t babies. This is a fact that most dog owners have to learn the hard way. Dogs need to be treated differently than human children; they need training, discipline, and structure just like humans do.

The biggest mistake I made with my first dog was treating her like a child or a baby instead of an animal with unique needs and behavior patterns. 

She was extremely energetic and needy when she was young (as all puppies are), but once she got old enough for me to consider training her properly, I realized that she had no concept of listening or obeying commands at all—and it wasn’t just because I hadn’t trained her yet!

Have Fun, Be Patient, And Keep Training Sessions Short And Sweet

Dogs are not people. They’re animals, and need to be treated as such. You’ve got to teach your dog how to act in a way that’s safe for you, your family members and other pets. 

Don’t spoil your dog by letting him do whatever he wants whenever he wants it even if you think it’s cute! It won’t make anyone any happier than being forced into a diaper at age two would make you happy.

The easiest way to train a dog is with positive reinforcement: reward good behavior with praise or treats (yummy ones!), and correct bad behavior by doing nothing or making an annoying noise until they stop what they’re doing wrong (like when someone is screaming at them).

Key PointDescription
Have FunMake training enjoyable for both you and your furry friend. Use positive reinforcement and playtime to keep them engaged.
Be PatientTraining takes time and consistency. Avoid frustration and take a break if needed.
Short and SweetKeep training sessions short (10-15 minutes) and focus on one skill at a time to prevent boredom and exhaustion.
Use Positive ReinforcementReward good behavior with treats or verbal praise, and avoid physical punishment.
Consistency is KeyTrain your dog on a regular schedule to establish good habits.
Incorporate Toys & TreatsInteractive toys and treats like the KONG Classic or Zuke’s Mini Naturals can be used to encourage good behavior.
Tailor Your ApproachDifferent dogs may respond better to different training techniques, so tailor your approach to their specific temperament.


We hope that you found this guide to dog training helpful. As you can see, there are many different techniques for training your dog and it’s important to find the one that best fits your pet’s personality and temperament. 

It’s also important to remember that dogs aren’t people or babies: they will not respond well if you treat them like either of those two things. 

Once you’ve found what works for both of you, stick with it! The most important thing is consistency follow through on everything from rewards (and consequences) down to the tone in which commands are given.

Further Reading

For more in-depth information on training your furry friend, check out the following resources:

The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Dog: A Step-by-Step E-Book: This comprehensive e-book offers expert advice and proven techniques to train your dog for optimal behavior and obedience.

The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Dog: From basic commands to advanced techniques, this online course covers everything you need to know to train your dog and strengthen your bond.

The Ultimate Guide to Successful Dog Training Tips: This guide offers practical tips and insights on everything from house training to behavioral issues and socialization.


Here are some commonly asked questions about training your furry friend:

How do I know when to start training my puppy?

It’s best to start training your puppy as early as possible to establish good habits and prevent bad ones. Around 8 weeks is a good age to start with basic commands and socialization.

What are some common mistakes I should avoid when training my dog?

Avoid using physical punishment, inconsistent training, and over-rewarding your dog for negative behavior. These can lead to confusion and poor behavior in the long run.

How often should I train my dog?

Training sessions should be short and frequent, ideally 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes each. Remember to also reinforce good behavior throughout the day.

Can I train an older dog?

Yes, older dogs can be trained through patience, consistency, and a tailored approach. Keep in mind that older dogs may have existing habits and behaviors that take longer to change.

What do I do if my training methods aren’t working?

If you’re not seeing progress with your training methods, consider consulting a professional trainer for guidance on your specific situation. Additionally, re-evaluating your approach and adjusting it to suit your pup’s needs may help.