When To Start Watchdog Training: A Timetable For Success

If you’re thinking about raising a puppy, you’ve probably done some research. You know that puppies are cute, but they also require a lot of work and attention. And dogs need training before they’re fully grown and sometimes even after! 

So when do you start watchdog training? Here’s what experts have to say:

Your Complete Puppy Training Schedule By Age
Watchdog training takes persistence, patience, and positive reinforcement.
It’s important to start training your watchdog when they are still young and adaptable.
Common mistakes to avoid during watchdog training include using physical punishment and failing to create consistent routines.
Effective watchdog training involves establishing a bond of loyalty and respect between you and your dog.
Successful watchdog training can be an ongoing process that requires regular training and reinforcement.


Endurance is the ability to run for extended periods of time, as well as in all weather conditions. The dog must be able to climb over and under obstacles, including jumping small fences. 

If the dog will be used in water rescue situations (like going into lakes or ponds), then it must also have the endurance necessary to swim long distances.


The younger you start your dog’s training, the better. It’s true that you can begin training an older pup, but it will be harder to achieve success and maintain focus at this stage. 

If you start early, your dog is more likely to learn from his mistakes and respond well to new concepts and there’s no time like the present!

Not only is attention important for basic obedience commands like “sit” or “stay,” but it also helps build a foundation for more advanced skills in agility training or competitive dog sports such as flyball or rally obedience.

The Ultimate Guide to Watchdog Training: What You Need to Know: If you’re looking for a comprehensive resource on how to train your watchdog from the ground up, then our ultimate guide to watchdog training is the perfect place to start. Featuring expert advice and actionable tips, this guide covers everything from basic obedience to specialized guard dog training.


When looking at the time to train your dog, you have to take into account their maturity. A puppy is not going to have the same level of maturity as an older dog. They will also have different physical capabilities, which will affect how you can train them.

As a general rule, it’s best to wait until your puppy has reached about 50% adult size before starting any formal training program. If you start too early or too late in this process, it could be detrimental to your relationship with your dog and result in long-term behavioral problems.

Dog BreedMaturity LevelBrand Recommendation
Saint BernardLate MaturityRoyal Canin
DalmatianMid MaturityHill’s Science Diet
Shih TzuEarly MaturityPurina Pro Plan
GreyhoundVery Late MaturityBlue Buffalo
ChihuahuaVery Early MaturityEukanuba


Hunger can be a major distraction for dogs. They’ll want to go for a treat or the food bowl, and that means they will not be paying attention to you. It’s best to feed your dog at least an hour before training so he or she isn’t distracted by hunger.

If your dog is extremely hungry, don’t train him/her right away (unless it is an emergency).

It’s also important not to feed your dog too much before training because this can make it harder for him/her focus on listening instead of getting up and going after something else he/she wants more than your commands!


Calmness is a critical skill for your dog to learn, because it will help him interact with humans and other animals in a safe and appropriate manner.

In order to be calm around people, dogs need to have learned that most people are not dangerous. This means that you should be working on socializing your puppy before he starts watchdog training. 

If he hasn’t had much time around strangers, he won’t know how to react when someone approaches him or wants to pet him and may therefore react aggressively towards the person by barking or biting them.

He also needs to understand that it’s okay for strangers to touch him gently on his head or back, since this kind of touching is what happens during grooming sessions (which many dogs enjoy).

If your puppy doesn’t already know how wonderful these kinds of interactions can be, then start working on some basic obedience commands such as “sit” and “down” so that he can learn how good it feels when a stranger puts their hands near him in an affectionate way!

Expert Advice on How to Train Your Watchdog to be a Guard Dog: Turning your dog into a competent guard dog takes more than just brute force and aggression. Expert advice on how to train your watchdog to be a guard dog emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement and the role of specific commands. Additionally, the guide offers critical tips to make the training process smoother and more effective.

Their Interest in the World

The next factor to consider is your dog’s natural curiosity about the world around him. Some dogs are naturally more interested in the world than others, and this will play a big part in how successful he is as a watchdog. 

Dogs that have a high level of interest and focus on their surroundings are going to be better watchdogs than those with lower levels of interest.

A good way to gauge whether you dog has what it takes is by observing his reaction when strangers come into your home for the first time. 

Does he seem curious about them? Does he approach them with caution or excitement? If your dog seems apprehensive towards strangers, this may mean that he doesn’t have enough confidence as a watchdog but if he comes right up to say hello (and possibly even sniffs their crotch), then this could indicate that his natural curiosity means he’d do well as one!

Their Interest in You

Once you’ve decided to start training your dog the importance of watchdog, it’s important to keep in mind that their interest in you is crucial. 

If they are interested in what you are teaching them and want to please you, then it will be easier for them to learn. If they aren’t interested in either of those things, then it will be harder for them to learn.

So when starting out with watchdog training, give your dog plenty of positive reinforcement and attention. This way they’ll know that being with and around humans is a good thing!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Watchdog Training: Avoid Common Mistakes: All too often, well-intentioned pet owners can end up unintentionally sabotaging their watchdog training by making common mistakes. Our guide on the do’s and don’ts of watchdog training: avoid common mistakes highlights these mistakes and offers actionable advice on how to avoid them. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to successful training.

Their Interest in Other Dogs and Pets

It is important to determine if your dog is friendly towards other dogs and pets before starting watch dog training. If they are not, they may be too aggressive towards other dogs or pets, which could lead to a dangerous situation for the animal being protected. 

However, there is no need to worry! It’s possible that your dog just needs some extra attention from you in order to become more socialized around other animals. 

Make sure that you spend plenty of time playing with them so that they can learn how fun it can be when there’s new company at playtime!

Their Interest in Other People

If your dog is interested in other people and wants to engage with them, then you can probably expect that he or she will be easier to train. 

A dog that is not interested in people may not be so easy-going about training. If you want your dog to be friendly with people, then it would be a good idea to start working on this early on.

Dog BreedSociability LevelBrand Recommendation
Golden RetrieverHighBlue Buffalo
Labrador RetrieverHighPurina Pro Plan
PugMediumHill’s Science Diet
BulldogLowRoyal Canin
Shar PeiVery LowEukanuba

Whether They Are Skittish or Fearful

You may have a timid dog that is afraid of things like loud noises, or you might have a bold dog that will bark at anything that moves. 

Regardless of your initial starting point, there are things that can be done to help your puppy learn to be brave, confident and independent.

  • Be patient:

You must teach the puppy what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. This takes time but with dedication it will pay off. Your dog should know how to greet people politely and not bite them when they touch their face or tail. 

If this part isn’t taught correctly then later on when an intruder tries to take one of these body parts they may end up getting injured during their attempt at taking something away from someone else who is protecting them against intruders.

Set rules for all family members: Every person living in the home needs to follow certain rules such as “no sudden movements!” or “Don’t approach us when we’re eating!” 

If everyone follows these simple rules when interacting with each other then it will give both parties confidence knowing where they stand regarding social etiquette when being around one another.”

How to Train Your Watchdog to Protect Your Home: Home is where we should feel safest, and having a well-trained watchdog can add an extra layer of protection. But how do you successfully train your dog to alert you when a stranger is near? Our guide on how to train your watchdog to protect your home delves into the training techniques necessary to create a vigilant and protective pet.

Whether They Are Prone to Aggression or Anger

If your pup has a tendency to get angry or aggressive, there are several things you can do to prevent it from getting out of hand. 

The first step is to make sure they know the difference between play and fight. Early socialization is key here: exposing them to other dogs (and people), particularly in a controlled environment like a dog park, allows them time to learn what’s appropriate behavior.

If your dog does become aggressive or angry as they grow older, try using treats as rewards for good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior with corrections like leash jerks or scolding. 

Make sure they understand that they will not be punished when they do something wrong; instead give them lots of praise when they behave well and use the treats as an incentive for good behavior rather than just giving one out whenever – this teaches them that good things happen when someone does what we want them too!

Dog BreedAggression LevelBrand Recommendation
RottweilerMediumRoyal Canin
German ShepherdLowPurina Pro Plan
ChihuahuaVery LowHill’s Science Diet
Jack Russell TerrierLowBlue Buffalo

High aggression dogs like Pitbulls require a lot of training and socialization to become well-rounded and protective pets. Medium aggressive dogs like Rottweilers may benefit from supplemental nutrition like that provided by Royal Canin. Low aggression dogs like German Shepherds should be fed a complete and balanced diet like Purina Pro Plan.

Whether They Have Health Problems, Laziness, or Fitness Issues

If your dog has health problems, it’s important to keep them as healthy as possible. If you know that your dog is not fit for this type of activity, then get them a different kind of training.

If your dog does not want to run or play with you, it can be because they are bored and want something more interesting or exciting from their life. 

This could be anything from finding another way to exercise or taking the dog on walks. It could also mean getting rid of some toys that have been left alone for too long!

How to Train Your Watchdog to be a Loyal and Protective Companion: For many dog owners, one of the primary benefits of raising a watchdog is the companionship and loyalty they provide. For those looking to maximize this bond, we recommend our guide on how to train your watchdog to be a loyal and protective companion. This guide covers essential training techniques, including socialization and command training, to create a lasting bond between you and your pet.


All puppies are unique, so your watch dog training timetable will be unique too. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to training a puppy. 

However, we hope that these guidelines will help you as you begin this exciting journey with your new pooch.

Further Reading:

Dads of Great Students Training Programs: Dads of Great Students (DOGS) is a unique program that helps fathers and father figures make a meaningful impact in their children’s education. This program offers a variety of training programs to help fathers become more engaged, supportive, and effective in their role.

How to Train a Dachshund Puppy: Dachshund puppies are adorable, but training them can be a challenge due to their stubborn and independent nature. This article from the American Kennel Club provides expert tips and techniques on how to effectively train your Dachshund puppy.

How to Schedule Yourself for Success: Forbes Coach Council provides actionable advice on how to manage your time more effectively and create a schedule that maximizes productivity. This article emphasizes the importance of prioritization, delegation, and focus to achieve success.


What is Watchdog training?

Watchdog training refers to a process of teaching dogs to become protective of their territory and alert their owners to potential threats.

When is the best time to start Watchdog training?

The best time to start training your dog as a watchdog is when they are still young and adaptable. Starting early will help ensure that your pet grows up well socialized and receptive to your training.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when training a Watchdog?

Common mistakes to avoid when training your watchdog include using physical punishment, letting your dog bark excessively, and failing to establish consistent rules and routines.

How long does Watchdog training take?

The length of time it takes to train a watchdog can vary depending on the individual dog’s temperament and personality, as well as the training techniques used. In general, however, it is important to be patient and consistent in your training efforts.

Can any breed be trained as a Watchdog?

Technically, any breed can be trained as a watchdog. However, certain breeds are more naturally inclined towards protective behavior than others. Additionally, factors such as size, strength, and temperament should be considered when selecting a watchdog breed.