The Benefits Of Cat Training: Why It’s Worth The Effort

Cats are a joy to have as pets, but there are times when you’ll want to train them. If you already own an adult cat, it’s not too late to start training! Below, we’ve listed some of the benefits of cat training and why it’s worth the effort:

Cat Training 101 – Why You Need A Clicker!
Key Takeaways
Training your cat can provide numerous benefits such as improved behavior and stimulation.
Training techniques such as positive reinforcement and clicker training can be effective.
It is possible to train cats of any age, but it may require patience and consistency.
Common behavior issues in cats such as scratching and litter box problems can be addressed through training.
Resources such as guides and articles can help cat owners learn more about effective training methods.

Toilet Training

The first thing you will need to do is find a litter tray. Choose something with enough room for your cat’s needs and make sure it can be easily cleaned.

Then, place the litter tray in a quiet area of the house that you want your cat to use as their toilet. 

It’s important that they feel comfortable in this area, so try not to distract them or scare them while they’re doing what comes naturally! You’ll also want to make sure there aren’t any other cats around who might accidentally get into trouble.

The next step is rewarding good behavior. Once your cat starts using the litter tray (or “toilet”), give them praise and treats so they understand what they did right! 

If they do something wrong like pooping outside of their toilet or peeing somewhere else in the house, then punish them by withholding affection until they learn how important it is that our furry friends stay clean at all times — especially around humans who may not appreciate being covered in stray feces — but don’t forget about rewarding good behavior too!

Walking your cat can be a fun activity that provides exercise and stimulation. With patience and positive reinforcement, you can train your cat to enjoy being on a leash. Check out our guide on How to Train Your Cat to Walk on a Leash to learn more and get started!

Using The Scratching Post

There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to getting your cat started on their scratching post training. First, make sure the scratching post is tall enough for your cat to stretch out fully and comfortably. 

This will help them get used to the feeling of being upright, which they’ll need in order to reach the places they want to scratch without having to climb high. Second, make sure that the post itself is sturdy and stable so that it won’t tip over or wobble when your cat climbs on top of it. 

Thirdly, place the scratching post somewhere where you know your kitty will spend time like near a window where they can watch birds fly overhead or next door where they can spy on people walking past outside and then put some treats around its base so that he/she gets used both visually seeing this as well as physically touching it with his/her paws (this helps teach him/her which parts are “okay” for clawing). 

Finally, try not placing any furniture near these new locations because if there’s too much temptation nearby then he may decide instead just go ahead and destroy what’s actually yours!

Stay Off The Furniture

Cats love to be up high, and in their minds, furniture is more than just a place to sit—it’s also a great vantage point from which to survey the world. 

While this instinct is perfectly normal for them and can’t be trained out of them completely (cats just love being up high), you can still teach your cat to use scratching posts instead of the couch. 

It takes time and patience, but with consistency and positive reinforcement for good behavior, you’ll eventually see results!

Cats have a natural instinct to jump onto elevated surfaces like counters and tables, but this can be problematic when it comes to hygiene and safety. Training your cat to stay off these surfaces can be done using positive reinforcement techniques. Check out our guide on Training Your Cat to Stay Off Counters and Tables for tips and tricks to help make your cat’s behavior more manageable.

Stop Unwanted Behavior

The next step is to focus on stopping unwanted behavior. This can be achieved through positive reinforcement, which is the process of rewarding your cat for doing something good, or simply refraining from punishing them for bad behavior.

To do this, you must first decide what the reward system will look like. You could use cat treats or even praise as a reward system even just eye contact or a pat on the head will do! 

The key thing here is to make sure that whatever you choose works for both yourself and your cat so that they learn quickly how to behave appropriately in any given situation.

Once you’ve decided what kind of reward system will work best for everyone involved, it’s time to start using it! Here are some examples of bad behaviors that can be stopped with positive reinforcement:

Identify triggerUnderstand what triggers the behavior and address it accordingly.
Use deterrentsProducts like Sentry Stop That! or Grannick’s Bitter Apple can help discourage unwanted behaviors like scratching.
Provide alternativesOffer appropriate scratching surfaces or toys to redirect unwanted behavior.
Practice positive reinforcementReward your cat for good behavior with treats or praise instead of punishing bad behavior.
Use consistencyTeach and follow the same rules for the behavior.

Note: Sentry Stop That! and Grannick’s Bitter Apple are specifically designed products that can deter cats from unwanted behaviors.

Using A Harness/Lead

You’re probably familiar with the sight of cats walking on leads, thanks to the popularity of internet memes. This is a great way for your cat to get some exercise, but it’s also an excellent opportunity for you to bond with your feline friend by spending time outdoors together.

If you want to train your cat to walk on a harness and lead, there are several things you can do. The first step is making sure that both you and your cat are comfortable wearing it and if he’s not willing or able to wear one at this point in his life, there may be other ways for him to get outside safely without one!

A harness should be snug around his body but not tight enough that he feels pinched or restricted in any way; ideally it shouldn’t restrict his movements at all! 

A loose-fitting collar could potentially cause injury if caught on something while running around freely off-leash (which is why I wouldn’t recommend using one). 

The most popular style of harnesses are those with elastic straps; this allows them room now but will still fit well after they’ve put on some weight too over time.

Cat scratching is natural behavior, but it can be destructive to furniture and other household items. With patience and training, you can redirect your cat’s scratching behavior to appropriate items like scratching posts. Check out our guide on How to Train Your Cat to Stop Scratching Furniture to learn effective training techniques.

Answer The Call Of Nature Outside

Some cats can be trained to use the toilet. This is a great solution for those who live in apartments or small homes, where the thought of taking up space with a litter box is not practical. 

If your cat has never used a toilet before, it will take some time for them to get used to it. To start off, try placing their food and water bowls next to the toilet so they start associating its use with eating and drinking. 

Then gradually put less food in their bowl as time goes on until eventually you can take away their regular feeding area entirely and just let them eat near where they relieve themselves.

Once this habit begins forming, you can begin moving forward by switching from dry food into wet canned varieties (which contain more moisture) so that once they are done eating, there’s always something available in case they feel like using it later on instead of having nothing left but dry kibble! That’s how simple it really is!

Come When Called, Every Time

The first step in training your cat to come when called is consistency. The same words and gestures should be used every time you want your cat to come to you, whether it’s from across the room or from behind a closed door.

If you’re inconsistent with what phrase or gesture means “come,” then every time your cat hears it he’ll be confused as to what he should do.

Once you’ve established that consistency, practice calling him at different distances and places (from behind a closed door, for example). The goal is for him to respond reliably regardless of where he is in relation to his human companion. 

If the cat comes only when called from one specific spot within reach of his owner’s hand—or worse yet, if he doesn’t come even then then this training never has much chance of succeeding outside of that particular situation.

Use a clickerClicker training can be an effective method for teaching your cat to come when called.
Start indoorsBegin training in a quiet, low-distraction environment before moving to more challenging settings.
Use positive reinforcementReward your cat with treats or praise when they come to you, and avoid punishment for noncompliance.
Be consistentUse the same verbal cue each time you call your cat, and make sure to practice regularly.
Consider training aidsSome products, like the PetSafe Come With Me Kitty harness and leash, can help your cat feel more comfortable and secure during training.

Use Training To Strengthen Your Bond With Your Cat

Training your cat is also a great way to strengthen your bond with them. Cats can be picky about who they trust and like, so training them will help make them feel safe and secure around you. You can use training as an opportunity for playtime and bonding with your cat, making it easier for them to get accustomed to you.

Training cats also teaches them how to behave in certain situations, which can make it easier for everyone involved when there are other people or animals present. 

This is especially important if you have multiple pets training helps all of your pets learn how to interact with each other without feeling threatened by one another’s presence or behavior patterns. Training cats helps them become calmer and feel more confident about their place in the family unit!

Litter box issues can be a source of frustration for cat owners, but it is possible to train your cat to use the litter box consistently. With the right techniques and patience, you can improve your cat’s litter box habits. Check out our guide on Training Your Cat to Use the Litter Box: Tips and Tricks for more information.

Teach Your Cat Not To Bite

Your cat may bite you as a way of communicating that they are annoyed. If your cat bites you, use a firm voice and make eye contact with them. 

This will show them that biting is not acceptable behavior. Follow up by rewarding good behavior such as sitting or laying down on command, and do not reward bad behaviour by giving attention (e.g., petting).

You should also avoid punishing your cat when they bite you by shouting at them or hitting them. Cats can become fearful if this happens, which can lead to more aggressive behaviour in the future!

Helping A Shy Cat Feel Comfortable Around New People

Some cats can be more skittish than others, and some may never lose their shyness. If you have a shy cat, training will help them feel more comfortable in the presence of new people.

This is one of the ways we were able to help our own shy kitty (and her sister) get over their fear of strangers: we started by training with treats in a closed room; then went on to opening doors and letting strangers come into our home; ultimately leading up to sitting with us while we met new people in public places like parks or coffee shops.

Respect your cat’s boundariesAllow your cat to approach new people at their own pace.
Use pheromone spraysProducts like Feliway and Comfort Zone can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation in cats.
Provide hiding placesGiving your cat a safe and secure place to hide can help them feel more comfortable in new situations.
Reward with treatsPositive reinforcement with treats or toys can help your shy cat associate new people with positive experiences.
Give it timePatience and consistency are key in helping a shy cat feel comfortable around new people.

Cat Training Isn’t Just For Adult Cats! Puppies Can Learn From A Very Young Age Too

You might be wondering, why would I teach my puppy to do anything? Well, first of all, it’s a pretty good idea. But also because it can make life easier for you. You won’t have to worry about your dog jumping on people or biting them (which is dangerous). 

You won’t have to worry about your dog playing with their toys and destroying them (which will cost you money). And most importantly: you’ll be able to take your puppy places and not have to leave them behind in the car!

So how do we start? First things first: find something that your pup enjoys doing/playing with (it doesn’t matter what), like a tennis ball or a squeaky toy. 

Now when they grab onto this object of choice give them verbal praise while gently tugging back on the object so they let go of it completely (you’re teaching them “drop”). 

Once they’ve dropped what they were holding firmly, reward them with another treat right away so that they associate good things happening after dropping whatever toy/object was previously being played with this way over time doing so becomes more natural for them during playtime in general rather than just during training sessions where treats are present!

If you have multiple cats or pets at home, it’s important to train them to behave appropriately around each other. With the right training techniques, you can help your cats learn to coexist peacefully. Check out our guide on How to Train Your Cat to Behave Around Other Cats and Pets to learn effective training methods.


We know that training a cat can seem daunting, but we hope this article has helped you understand why it’s worth the effort. 

If you’re ready to get started and need more information, check out our blog post on getting your cat to use the scratching post!

Further reading

Here are some additional resources to learn more about training cats:

Can You Clicker Train a Cat? Oh, Yes, You Can!: Clicker training is a popular method used to train cats, and this article from VetStreet provides helpful information and tips on how to get started.

Training Cats? Yes, You Can!: National Geographic explores the science behind feline behavior and training methods in this informative article.

Is Cat Training Possible?: Adopt & Shop shares insights on the possibilities and benefits of training your cat.


What are some common behavior problems in cats that can benefit from training?

Some common behavior problems in cats that can benefit from training include inappropriate scratching, aggressiveness, and litter box issues.

Is it possible to train an older cat?

Yes, older cats can still learn new behaviors, but it may require more patience and consistency.

How long does it take to train a cat?

The length of time it takes to train a cat can vary depending on the specific behavior being trained and the individual cat’s personality and history. It’s important to be patient and consistent in the training process.

What are some effective training techniques for cats?

Positive reinforcement, clicker training, and behavior modification techniques are effective methods for training cats.

Can all cats be trained?

While all cats have the capacity to learn, some cats may be more independent or resistant to training than others. It’s important to be patient and understanding of your cat’s individual personality and needs.