Training Your Cat To Come When Called: A Step-By-Step Guide

Training your cat is an art and a science. It’s not as simple as training a dog, but it can be done. The first step is to understand how cats learn in general, which is what we’ll discuss here. 

From there, you can start thinking about how best to train your cat using a step-by-step approach with some fun exercises along the way!

Teach Your Cat to Come When Called! – YouTube
Key Takeaways
Training a cat to come when called takes time, patience, and consistency.
Socialization and litter box training are important aspects of successful cat training.
Avoid using negative reinforcement during training and instead opt for positive reinforcement with treats, toys, and praises.
Following a set of do’s and don’ts can help cat owners to train their cats effectively.
Scientific principles can be applied to cat training to improve its chances of success.
There are various resources available online that cat owners can use to learn more about training their cats.
Short and regular training sessions are more effective than lengthy, infrequent ones.
If a cat does not respond to training, it may be wise to seek advice from a professional cat behaviorist or veterinarian.

Make the Sessions Short

One of the most important things you can do to ensure your cat’s success with training is make the sessions short. As a general rule, keep them to no more than 10-15 minutes at a time and space out each session by at least one hour.

You should also avoid overdoing it with your cat or yourself make sure they’re not tired or hungry beforehand, and don’t train when you are tired or hungry either (I recommend having something small to eat before training sessions). 

And be aware that if your cat is stressed out in any way shape or form, their decision making skills will be affected negatively so it may take longer for them to learn this behavior.

Training your cat to come when called takes time and patience. “Training Your Cat to Be More Social – Expert Tips” can give you the guidance you need to get started on building your cat’s social skills.

Use a Positive Tone of Voice and Treats

You can use a positive tone of voice and treats to train your cat to come when called. This is a great way to bond with your cat, so set aside time every day to work on this exercise.

In order for this training strategy to be effective, it is important that you remain calm throughout the process. If you get frustrated or yell at your cat for not responding as quickly as you think is necessary, then he will lose interest in learning new skills and may stop coming when you call. 

It’s also important that you don’t reward him too soon after he responds correctly do so only after they have become accustomed to obeying commands..

Effective training requires a comprehensive guide that provides insights into pet training. “The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Furry Friend” will give you a better understanding of the techniques that apply to cat training and help you get started on an effective training program.

Call Your Cat’s Name Until it Responds

To get your cat to come when called, you’ll need to call its name and then wait for it to respond. If your cat doesn’t respond after a few tries, try calling the name again later. If you’re still having trouble getting your cat’s attention, use some of the other tips we’ve shared in this guide!

The process of cat training requires following a set of do’s and don’ts. “The Do’s and Don’ts of Cat Training – Explained” provides valuable information that every cat owner needs to know before starting any training program.

Give Praise and Treats

Now that your cat is responding to the “come” command, it’s time to start rewarding her for doing so. 

Give her praise and treats when she comes to you. This will let her know that she has done well and encourage her to perform the action again in the future.

Be sure not to overwhelm your cat with too many treats at once or for doing something insignificant—this can lead them to lose interest in performing actions that are rewarded by food!

TreatsDelicious treats like Temptations cat treats can be used as a motivation for cats during trainingProvides cats with positive reinforcement to repeat desired behavior
PraiseFeline owners may use a variety of positive cues such as petting, talking, and playtime to encourage their catsHelps strengthen the bond between the cat and its owner, which in turn improves the cat’s motivation to learn
ClickerA training device like the PetSafe Clicker is helpful in telling cats when they’ve completed a task successfullyHelps cats to associate clicking sound with reward and motivates them to repeat the behavior
ToysInteractive toys like Petstages Tower of Tracks can be used to teach cats basic obedience commands while playingHelps improve the cat’s focus and attention span while providing a fun way to learn
TimeoutsTimeouts can be used as a correction technique when cats repeatedly fail to follow commandsHelps signal to the cat which behavior is unacceptable while giving the cat a chance to cool down and refocus

Pick a Good Time of Day to Train Your Cat

You want to pick a time of day when your cat is most likely to be in the mood for training. Here are some things to consider:

  • Your cat’s energy level. If your cat is a kitten or young adult, there’s a good chance he’ll have more energy than an older cat and therefore be better able to focus on you when you call him.
  • Your cat’s personality. Some cats are more outgoing than others, so they’re more likely to come when called if they’re feeling playful or sociable at the time (like after dinner). The opposite can also be true; some cats are shy and don’t like strangers coming into their territory, so calling them when they’re feeling less social might work best (such as right before bedtime).
  • Any daily routine factors that could make it easier for your pet to learn not just “come” but also other commands such as “sit” or “stay.”
Time of DayActivity LevelAttention Span
AfternoonModerate to lowShort
EveningHighShort to moderate

Note: Activity level and attention span are relative to the cat’s age, personality, and health status. Some brands such as Purina suggest training cats during their natural active periods for better results.

Keep Training Sessions Short and Fun

Now that you have a solid understanding of how to train your cat, let’s consider some tips for keeping training sessions short and fun.

Train for short periods of time. You can’t expect your cat to learn everything in one sitting (or even two or three). You will want to break up the training process into several sessions that are each no longer than 10 minutes long or so.

  • Don’t train when you’re stressed out or tired. If possible, avoid training when either of you is stressed out or tired—this means don’t wake up at 5AM on a workday for an early lesson!
  • If your cat seems stressed, cut training time short and try again later when both of you seem more relaxed and energized by being around each other’s good vibes instead of bad ones from last night’s party (or whatever).

Litter box training is an essential part when training your cat to come when called. Check out “Training Your Cat to Use the Litter Box – Tips and Tricks” to learn about easy and effective methods for litter training your cat.

Patience And Patience Are Very Important In Training Your Cat

Patience and patience are very important in training your cat. Cats tend to be fickle and don’t respond readily to training, so give them time before you get upset. They can be stubborn little things, after all!

You may not see immediate results. In fact, it may take weeks or months before the cat begins to listen when called. 

You should also keep in mind that some cats will never respond well to calling out their names in this manner. Don’t be discouraged if that happens; just try again with another cat!

Cat training based on scientific principles has better chances of success. Learn about “The Science Behind Cat Training – What Really Works” and discover evidence-based ways to train your cat to come when called.


Training your cat to come when called can be a fun, rewarding experience. Remember that patience and consistency are key, so don’t give up if it doesn’t go exactly as planned the first time around. If you have any questions about training your cat to come when called, feel free to contact us!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on training your cat to come when called:

Teach Your Cat to Come When Called: provides a detailed guide for training your cat to come to you in different outdoor settings.

Train Your Cat to Come to You: offers simple, easy-to-follow steps for helping your cat to understand what you want when you call their name.

How to Train Your Cat to Respond to Their Name: A blog post by Cats Protection UK that gives cat owners some tips on how to train their cats to respond when they’re called.


How long does it take to train a cat to come when called?

The time required to train a cat to come when called depends on the cat’s personality, age, and temperament. Some cats may take a few days or weeks while some may take months or even longer.

What treats should I use in cat training?

Cats tend to respond positively to a variety of treats such as tuna, canned food, kibble, and commercial cat treats. It’s best to experiment with different types of treats to find the one that your pet loves the most.

How can I make the training sessions more enjoyable for my cat?

Training sessions can be more enjoyable for cats if you make them playful and interactive. Use toys, treats, and positive reinforcement to make the training more interesting and rewarding for your pet.

How often should I train my cat to come when called?

Training sessions should be short and conducted regularly. Aim for 10-15 minutes of training per session and repeat the training at least twice a day.

What should I do if my cat doesn’t respond to the training?

If your cat doesn’t respond to the training, it may be necessary to reassess your training methods. Consult with a veterinarian or a cat behaviorist to identify the underlying issue and address it accordingly.