The Top 15 Things To Consider Before Starting Watchdog Training

A watchdog is a dog that acts as a guard for a property. This breed of dog is not only an excellent watch, but they can also be trained to protect their owners from intruders. 

Watchdogs are the perfect dogs for families who want to keep their home safe, have some one on one time with their pet and train them at the same time! 

The most common breeds used in watchdog training include Border Collie, German Shepherd and Pit Bull Terriers.

Everything You NEED To KNOW To TRAIN Your DOG!
The key to successful Watchdog training is consistency and positive reinforcement.
Knowing what to do and what to avoid doing is essential, so follow expert tips.
Dog breeds that are well-suited for Watchdog training include German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Boxers.
Building a bond with your Watchdog is critical in creating a loyal and protective companion.
Before starting Watchdog training, consider various factors such as temperament, environment, and your personal lifestyle.

#1. Know Your Breed

The first thing you should do is know your dog. Know its breed, and the temperament that comes along with it. If you have a Border Collie, for example, then you’re going to need to be aware of their intelligence and energy level. 

You also want to know what kind of training they are most open to learning: clicker training, rewards-based training or even force/pain-based training. Other factors like previous experiences and exposure also play a role in determining which type of teaching method will work best for them. 

If your pup has been exposed to any kind of punishment in the past (i.e., leaving them outside without food or water), then there’s a good chance their behavior will be negatively affected by these experiences if used as part of future training methods such as leash correction or leash jerking (i.e., pulling). 

Don’t forget about physical limitations either—if there’s something wrong with one leg due say an old injury from playing too hard when they were younger? Or maybe they have some hearing loss issues making it difficult for them hear commands over other sounds like barking dogs next door? 

These things matter too! Also keep in mind that certain breeds may require more frequent walks than others because they are working breeds who need daily exercise; whereas nonworking breeds like Shih Tzu puppies can get away with less frequent walks because they don’t demand constant stimulation from their environment.”

With the complexity of Watchdog training, the guidance of 10 Expert Tips for Successful Watchdog Training can aid in boosting your efforts to create a well-trained and reliable guard dog. Learn more about the expert tips that can improve your Watchdog training at 10 Expert Tips for Successful Watchdog Training.

#2. The Difference Between A Watch Dog vs Guard Dog?

A watch dog is trained to alert the owner of a potential threat, but not attack. This means that the dog will bark at an intruder, but will not bite. 

A guard dog on the other hand is trained to bark and then attack if necessary. Guard dogs are usually large breeds like German Shepherds or Rottweilers, whereas watch dogs are more likely to be medium sized breeds like Dachshunds or Jack Russell Terriers.

FeatureWatchdogGuard Dog
FunctionAlerts owners of potential dangerPhysically defends and protects property and owner
BreedSmall to medium-sized breedsLarge, powerful breeds
TrainingObedience training and early socializationIntensive training and socialization
TemperamentAlert and attentiveConfident and fearless
PersonalityFriendly with family membersLess social with strangers
Height/WeightCan vary in sizeUsually large and heavy
ExamplesChihuahua, Poodle, BeagleMastiff, Doberman, German Shepherd

Note: Some popular brands for dog security accessories include ADT, Nest, Ring, and SimpliSafe.

#3. Know What You Need

It’s important to know what you need, and then make sure that you have it. For example:

  • Do you need a dog? If so, what kind of dog are you looking for? And why do you want one in the first place?
  • Do your family members or friends need a dog too? If so, how many dogs do they need and why?
  • What other equipment will be needed (e.g., toys, collars/leashes) and where can they be purchased from (e.g., local pet store vs online).

What type of home set up will work best based on breed size & temperament – is there enough space outdoors for exercise; enough room indoors for sleeping/bathroom needs etc.

Are there any additional considerations such as allergies within the household which could result in certain breeds being unsuitable due their fur type or dander level.

Is there sufficient fencing around your yard so as not to escape when playing outside unsupervised.”

#4. Where to Get a Watchdog?

If you want a healthy, well-behaved dog, the best place to start is with a reputable breeder. A good breeder will be able to answer your questions honestly and confidently. They should be willing to take the time needed to make sure that you have all of your questions answered before purchasing a puppy from them.

A good breeder will know about the breed that they are breeding for, which means that they know what health issues can occur in their line of dogs and how those might affect any puppies produced by them. 

Good breeders also screen their breeding dogs for genetic problems on an annual basis (or more often if there’s reason) and only breed healthy dogs themselves so that they can offer puppies with great genes and no known health issues.

The path to successful Watchdog training involves knowing what to do and what to avoid doing. You can learn more about the dos and don’ts of Watchdog training and how to avoid common mistakes at The Dos and Don’ts of Watchdog Training: Avoid Common Mistakes.

#5. Proper Socialization

A well-socialized dog is one that’s comfortable in social situations. This means it has been around other dogs, people, children and other animals during its early life and that it has learned to be comfortable with them. 

A properly socialized dog will not be afraid of new people or places. It will not get overly excited when you bring home a new baby.

Socialization also helps prevent aggression against strangers, loud noises, strange dogs and even other household pets (including cats). 

If you don’t want your puppy to grow up with these issues and who would? Socialization should be a high priority when choosing a breed for yourself or deciding what type of dog would best suit your family lifestyle.

#6. Understand the Purpose of Watchdog Training.

Next, you need to understand the purpose of watchdog training. The purpose is not for your dog to bark at every person who walks by your home. But if someone is trying to break in, then yes your dog should be trained to alert you in this case.

Also keep in mind that it’s important for a watchdog to know how far away from the house they can bark without being too loud or annoying. The distance should be about three feet from any door or window where people are entering or exiting the building (for example: front door).

A well-trained Watchdog is more than just a guard dog; it can be a loyal and protective companion to its owner, and proper training can help develop this bond. To learn more about how to train your Watchdog to be a loyal and protective companion, visit How to Train Your Watchdog to be a Loyal and Protective Companion.

#7. Exercise Your Dog!

To make the most of your training experience, you must be sure to keep your dog healthy and happy. 

Exercise is a critical part of this. A tired dog is a better behaved dog!

Exercise helps with weight control. If you exercise regularly, it can be easier to keep your dog from gaining weight. This can help avoid many health problems down the road like arthritis and diabetes that come with being overweight or obese.

Exercise helps with mental health. Regular exercise can also help decrease stress levels in dogs by releasing endorphins after each workout session. These endorphins boost their moods and make them feel better overall which helps them behave better too!

Helps maintain a healthy weightRegular exercise can help keep your dog at a healthy weight and prevent obesity.
Reduces risk of various health issuesExercise can help reduce the risk of various health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems.
Promotes good behaviorA tired dog is a well-behaved dog! Exercise can help reduce unwanted behaviors such as chewing or barking.
Improves mental healthExercise can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, which can improve your dog’s mental health.
Strengthens muscles and jointsExercise can help strengthen your dog’s muscles and joints, which can reduce the risk of injuries and improve mobility.
Promotes socializationExercising your dog in public spaces, such as dog parks, can help with socialization and positive interactions with other dogs and people.

#8. Know Your Limits

Having a dog is a lifetime commitment, so you need to know your limits. Your dog will be part of your family and your daily life for years. 

You need to take the time to get to know them and learn what they are capable of doing, so that you can make an informed decision when deciding whether or not they would be a good fit in your home.

It’s also important that you understand how much work training will require from both sides: from yourself as well as from your dog. 

If either one or both parties become too stressed out during training sessions, then it may not go well for everyone involved (especially if it’s causing any sort of anxiety).

#9. Bond with Your Dog (They’re A Big Part Of This)

It is extremely important to bond with your dog before beginning this program. Your dog should have a healthy relationship with you, and vice versa. This will help them be able to learn faster and be more receptive to the training techniques that you teach them.

In order to bond with your dog, it’s essential that:

You remain consistent in how you act around them at all times. This means that if they jump on the couch, then don’t let them do it again (even if they aren’t around), or if they run away from something scary like thunder or fireworks then do not chase after them screaming “C’mere!”. Instead, give clear commands such as “Sit!” or “Stay!” until the dog obeys. 

Then reward him/her with treats when they come back into range but don’t give him/her any attention until after having done so successfully several times in a row without being distracted by anything else going on around him/her–this teaches trust!

Watchdog training is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and different techniques can be used to keep homes safe and secure. You can learn more about the best techniques to keep your home safe via Watchdog training at Watchdog Training – The Best Techniques to Keep Your Home Safe.

#10. Obedience Training Is Always Important!

When it comes to training a dog, obedience is one of the most important things to keep in mind. Obedience commands are easy to learn and will make your life easier when you’re walking, hiking or just hanging out with your pup. 

The basic commands include: sit, stay/wait; down (also called lie down); come; heel; leave it (food); drop it (spoiled item); and leave it alone (other dogs). 

Learning these commands will not only make it easier for you but also for other people who might be around your dog when he’s out on his own or off leash at home or work.”

Promotes Good BehaviorObedience training helps encourage positive behavior and discourage negative behavior.
Strengthens the Bond with Your DogTraining gives you and your dog the opportunity to work together and build a strong bond.
Improves CommunicationThrough training, you can learn to better communicate with your dog, and they can learn how to better understand your commands.
Provides Mental StimulationTraining can help provide mental stimulation and improve cognitive function, which can reduce the risk of boredom and behavioral issues.
Promotes SocializationSocialization training can help your dog learn how to interact with other dogs and people.
Builds ConfidenceTraining can help build your dog’s confidence and increase their sense of security and well-being.

#11. Teach Them How to Respond To Threats (Positive Reinforcement)

Positive reinforcement is a training method that rewards the dog for good behavior. The goal of this technique is to shape their actions, rather than punish unwanted ones. This means rewarding your dog when they do something right and only correcting them when they are doing something wrong.

  • Treats
  • Toys
  • Praise

#12. Consistency, Consistency & More Consistency! (Schedules)

Consistency is the key to a happy, well-behaved dog. Dogs like routines and need to know what to expect. If you have multiple dogs in your household, it’s important that you are consistent with their feeding times, walking times and bedtime routine.

If you are working on basic obedience commands such as sit or down, make sure your dog knows exactly when those commands will be practiced every day. If he knows that his training session will begin at 7:00 am each morning, then he will be more likely to obey because he knows what’s coming next!

Think about how much easier it would be if everyone in your family were on the same page regarding consistency. That way everyone would know when they could play with the puppy or take him out for walks during the day without having constant arguments over who gets what time slot first!

#13. Don’t Forget To Brush Up On Their Basic Commands! (Sit, Stay & Drop It)

Sit is the most important command for a new dog owner. It’s used in many other commands, including stay and drop it. As your dog learns the sit command, you will use it to train them to stop jumping on people or furniture. 

You can also use sit as a way to get your dog’s attention when they are acting up or playing too rough with other dogs/people/toys/etc. You can then reward good behavior with treats while they are sitting down.

Before embarking on Watchdog training, it is essential to consider various factors that can affect the outcome of your training efforts. You can learn more about the top 15 things to consider before starting Watchdog training at The Top 15 Things to Consider Before Starting Watchdog Training.

#14. Be Patient With Your Dog! They’re Only Human… Oops… I Mean A Human’s Best Friend 🙂

You should be patient with your dog. Dogs are a lot like us. They need love and attention and they will only do what you ask them to do if they feel loved by you. 

If your dog doesn’t feel loved by you then he or she will do less (or more) than what you want them to do because they don’t want to disappoint their human family member who is obviously neglecting them.

This concept applies to all dogs, not just watchdog training tasks that require doing something different from how the dog usually behaves when it comes to strangers or other animals walking into the house unannounced.

Create a routineEstablish a set routine and stick to it, including feeding, exercise, and training sessions.
Use positive reinforcementReward good behavior with treats or praise to reinforce the behavior you want to encourage.
Avoid punishmentAvoid punishing your dog for mistakes or accidents, it can cause fear and anxiety.
Give your dog spaceIt’s important to give your dog some space and time to rest and relax in between training sessions and playtime.
Be attentiveObserve your dog’s behavior and body language to gauge their mood and level of comfort.
Take breaksIf you sense your dog is getting frustrated or agitated during a training session, take a break and try again later.
Be patientRemember that your dog is learning and growing with you. Patience is key to a happy and healthy relationship with your furry friend.


And that’s a wrap! I hope this list has helped you get started on your journey of training your own watchdog. If you have any more tips or questions, be sure to leave them in the comments below. Good luck!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for learning more about dog and guard dog training:

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Training: A comprehensive guide to dog training covering topics such as obedience training, behavior modification, and more.

Service Dog Training 101: An informative article that covers the basics of service dog training and includes tips for effectively training your furry friend.

How to Train a Guard Dog: A step-by-step guide for training a guard dog that covers important topics such as choosing the right breed, socialization, obedience training, and more.


What is Watchdog Training?

Watchdog training is a process of training a dog to identify, alert, and protect the owner and its property from possible threats, such as intruders or burglars.

What are some popular dog breeds for Watchdog training?

Some of the popular dog breeds for Watchdog training include German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Doberman, Boxer, and Pit Bull.

What are some essential commands used in Watchdog training?

Some of the essential commands used in Watchdog training include “sit,” “stay,” “down,” “heel,” “come,” and “watch me.”

How often should I train a Watchdog?

It is recommended to spend a few minutes each day training your Watchdog, consistently. This keeps the training exercises fresh in their mind.

Can aggressive temperament be trained in a Watchdog?

It is generally not encouraged to train aggressive temperament in a Watchdog, as it can lead to unwanted and unsafe behaviours. They should have a natural protective instinct, but must be well-socialized and controllable during training.