Watchdog Training: The Benefits And Risks You Need To Know

Training your dog is not just about obedience. If you have a watchdog, it’s even more important that you get him trained. 

Not only does it make them more comfortable around people and other dogs, but it also makes them less stressed out and less likely to accidentally bite someone or react aggressively when they’re startled by something unexpected happening nearby. 

The most effective way of doing this is through basic training classes with your local humane society or dog trainers in your area who specialize in these types of classes for owners of dogs who are already past the puppy stage. Here are some benefits to watchdog training:

Watch That Dog | Safety, Hazards, Training, Oregon OSHA
Watchdog training requires specific techniques and methods to be effective.
Establishing a trusting relationship with your dog is crucial for successful training.
Choosing the right breed can make a big difference in your dog’s natural instinct to protect you.
Before starting watchdog training, consider factors such as your dog’s age, personality, and level of obedience.
It’s essential to use appropriate and humane training methods when training your dog to protect your property.
Consistency and patience are key to successful watchdog training.
The right resources, including training guides and professional trainers, can help you ensure your dog is receiving the best training possible.

1. Greater Pet Bonding

Dogs are social animals, and they thrive on interaction with people. They need to be trained and socialized so that they know how to behave around other dogs, as well as their owners. 

This can be achieved through training classes or at home under the supervision of your dog’s parents (you).

This type of environment helps build trust between you and your pup by giving them opportunities to learn new things in a safe place where there are no consequences for making mistakes–so no pressure!

Need to train your watchdog? Our Ultimate Guide to Watchdog Training covers everything you need to know about teaching your dog to be a loyal and protective companion.

2. Improved Social Interactions

Socialization is the process of helping your dog to develop positive relationships with other people and animals. Socialization helps your dog become comfortable in new situations, learn how to behave around other people and animals, and build confidence in their own abilities.

Socializing puppies between 8-16 weeks old is crucial for them growing up into well-adjusted adults who are able to interact positively with other dogs or humans without fear or aggression. 

This can be done by taking them on walks around the neighborhood or introducing them to new friends at the park, but there are other steps you can take as well:

Improved BehaviorIncreased Socialization
Controlled barkingMore comfortable around strangers
Controlled aggressionReduced fear of interacting with new people
Improved obedienceBetter behavior in social settings
Controlled guardingIncreased comfort around other animals
Growling on commandBetter ability to handle interactions with strangers
Improved body languageReduced anxiety in social situations

Note: Watchdog training can vary based on factors such as breed, age, and personality. As such, results may vary for each individual dog. These are some potential benefits of proper watchdog training in regards to social behavior. It is recommended to consult with a professional dog trainer for specific guidance and advice.

Take note of how quickly your puppy responds when someone comes into view from behind a fence or wall before going outside yourself so that if something happens unexpectedly (like an unfamiliar person walking past), then both you’ll have time react appropriately

Before you start training your watchdog, it’s crucial to think about the big picture. Our article on The Top 15 Things to Consider Before Starting Watchdog Training will help you prepare, plan, and execute a successful training program for your dog.

3. Better Communication Between You and Your Dog

The third benefit of watchdog training is that it will help you and your dog communicate better. You can teach him commands, like “sit,” “stay” or “come.” You can also teach him tricks like rolling over or shaking hands. 

The more advanced he becomes as a result of this training, the easier it will be for both of you to understand each other’s needs and wants.

In order to get the most out of your relationship with your dog, it’s important that they understand what is expected from them when they are guarding property and protecting those who live there from intruders. 

Implementing a reward system (positive reinforcement) will ensure that only positive behavior occurs when guarding property; any bad habits need not be rewarded with treats or praise!

Successful watchdog training is all about expert tips and techniques. Check out our list of 10 Expert Tips for Successful Watchdog Training and get started on training your furry friend today.

4. Decreased Loneliness

Dogs are social animals and can be lonely if they don’t have enough interaction with people and other dogs, but watchdog training can help your dog make new friends. 

In fact, when you’re at work or out of the house for long periods of time, having a job as a watchdog will give your pooch something to do while you’re gone so they don’t feel abandoned. 

When they’re not busy watching over things–and maybe even being praised for their vigilance–they’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet new dogs in the neighborhood!

Improved RelationshipDecreased Loneliness
More companionable behaviorGreater sense of security
Improved communicationReduced feelings of isolation
More affectionate behaviorBoosted mood and morale
Stronger bond with handlerIncreased motivation to socialize
More attention-seeking behaviorGreater sense of purpose

Note: Watchdog training can vary based on factors such as breed, age, and personality. As such, results may vary for each individual dog. These are some potential benefits of proper watchdog training in regards to mental health and social behavior. It is recommended to consult with a professional dog trainer for specific guidance and advice.

5. Less Stress for You

You’ll also notice that your dog will be less stressed. This is a big deal, because stress is linked to all kinds of health problems in both humans and animals. The more relaxed and happy your dog is around training, the better off they’ll be.

If you’re like me, then you know that dogs can sometimes be a source of stress in our lives–especially when they aren’t behaving how we want them to! 

But when I’m able to train my pup using positive methods like clicker training or leash corrections (which don’t involve physical punishment), my stress levels decrease significantly because I know I’m doing what’s best for him: helping him learn new skills without causing any pain or fear along the way.

6. More Confidence Around Other People and Dogs

When you’re on a walk with your dog, it’s natural to be nervous about approaching other dogs. However, if you’ve taken the time to train your dog correctly and build up their confidence, they’ll be much more likely to approach other animals in a calm manner. 

This will give both of you more confidence when meeting new people or dogs – especially if your dog has been trained not to bark at them!

Improved BehaviorIncreased Confidence
Controlled barkingMore socialization opportunities
Growling on commandGreater comfort in unfamiliar environments
Controlled aggressionEasier interactions with strangers
More obedient behaviorIncreased trust in public spaces
Controlled guardingImproved ability to handle unexpected situations

Note: Watchdog training can vary based on factors such as breed, age, and personality. As such, results may vary for each individual dog. These are some potential benefits of proper watchdog training in regards to social behavior. It is recommended to consult with a professional dog trainer for specific guidance and advice.

7. Lower Insurance Rates For You, The Owner

Insurance companies reward good behavior. If you have a good behavior dog, your insurance rates will be lower because they know that there is less chance of something happening to them.

On the other hand, if you have a bad behavior dog and they get into an accident, then your insurance rates will be higher because it is more likely that they will cause damage or injury to others.

If you’re interested in training your watchdog to protect your home, you’ll need to follow some specific steps. Our guide on How to Train Your Watchdog to Protect Your Home will walk you through the process.

8. Reduction in Aggressive Behavior

Aggression is a common problem in dogs, and it can be hard for owners to tell if their dog is aggressive. 

There are several different types of aggression, but all are dangerous. Some dogs may be aggressive toward other dogs, while others may act aggressively toward humans or other animals.

Aggression can stem from many different sources: poor socialization during puppyhood; lack of exercise; illness or pain (like arthritis); fearfulness caused by being bullied by another animal; territorialism over resources such as food or toys–or even just because the owner happens to walk down the street with another person!

Watchdog training is not always straightforward, and avoiding common mistakes is key to success. Check out our comprehensive guide on The Do’s and Don’ts of Watchdog Training: Avoid Common Mistakes to ensure that your training process is as smooth as possible.


As you can see, there are many benefits to dog training. Whether it’s just for fun or to have a better relationship with your dog, it’s something we recommend everyone try at least once. 

You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is than you think!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources on watchdog training to help you better understand and train your furry friend:

Method & Procedure for Professional Security Training of Dog: A comprehensive guide to professional security training methods for dogs.

Act as Watchdog: A primer on watchdog advocacy and how to take action in your community.

Should You Get a Protection Dog? 7 Things to Consider: A helpful article outlining seven key factors to consider before deciding whether a protection dog is right for you.


Here are some frequently asked questions about watchdog training:

What breeds make the best watchdogs?

There are a variety of dog breeds that make good watchdogs, including German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, and Bullmastiffs. However, any breed can be trained to be a good watchdog with the right training.

How do I start training my dog to be a watchdog?

The first step is to establish a trusting relationship with your dog through positive reinforcement training. From there, you can start to introduce more advanced training techniques such as obedience training and protection training.

Is it legal to train my dog to protect my property?

Yes, it is legal to train your dog to protect your property as long as you’re using appropriate and humane training methods.

How long does it take to train a watchdog?

The length of time it takes to train a watchdog depends on the individual dog’s personality, breed, and level of training. However, most dogs start to show progress after a few weeks to several months of consistent training.

Can I train my older dog to be a watchdog?

Yes, you can train an older dog to be a watchdog, although it may take longer than training a younger dog. With patience and consistency, older dogs can learn new skills and become great watchdogs.